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Poor Project Management

Poor project management is a common problem in many organizations, especially when there is a lack of clear goals, roles, and processes. In this blog post, we will explore some of the signs of poor project management, who is responsible for it, and its effects on project outcomes and team morale.

What are some signs of poor project management?

If you are a project manager or a team member involved in a project, you know how important it is to deliver quality results on time and within budget. However, sometimes things don't go as planned and you may encounter some challenges that affect your project's performance. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common signs of poor project management and how to avoid them.

Scope creep

Scope creep is when the project's scope changes or expands without proper approval or control. This can happen when the client requests additional features or changes, when the team members make assumptions or add their own ideas, or when the project manager fails to define and communicate the project's scope clearly. Scope creep can lead to increased costs, delays, confusion, and dissatisfaction among stakeholders.

To prevent scope creep, you should:

  • Establish a clear and detailed project scope statement that defines what is included and excluded from the project.
  • Involve all the relevant stakeholders in the scope definition process and get their agreement and sign-off.
  • Use a change control process to manage any requests for changes or additions to the project scope.
  • Communicate the project scope and any changes to all the team members and stakeholders regularly.

Poor communication

Communication is essential for any project's success. It helps to align expectations, share information, resolve issues, and build trust among team members and stakeholders. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, errors, missed deadlines, and low morale.

To improve communication, you should:

  • Identify the communication needs and preferences of each stakeholder and tailor your communication accordingly.
  • Use appropriate communication channels and tools for different types of messages and audiences.
  • Communicate frequently and consistently throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Encourage feedback and input from all the team members and stakeholders.
  • Document and archive important communication for future reference.

Unrealistic deadlines

Deadlines are important for keeping the project on track and ensuring accountability. However, unrealistic deadlines can have negative consequences for the project's quality, scope, and cost. Unrealistic deadlines can be caused by poor estimation, lack of resources, scope creep, or external pressure.

To avoid unrealistic deadlines, you should:

  • Use reliable estimation techniques and tools to estimate the time required for each task and activity.
  • Involve the team members and experts in the estimation process and get their buy-in.
  • Add contingency time for unexpected events or risks.
  • Negotiate with the client or sponsor if the deadline is too tight or unrealistic.
  • Monitor and report the project's progress and status regularly and alert stakeholders of any potential delays.

Lack of resources

Resources are the people, equipment, materials, and money that are needed to complete a project. Lack of resources can affect the project's quality, scope, cost, and time. Lack of resources can be caused by poor planning, budget constraints, resource conflicts, or turnover.

To overcome lack of resources, you should:

  • Plan your resource requirements carefully and realistically at the beginning of the project.
  • Secure adequate funding and approval for your resource needs.
  • Allocate and assign resources based on their availability, skills, and experience.
  • Manage resource conflicts and dependencies among different tasks and projects.
  • Retain and motivate your team members by providing them with recognition, feedback, and support.

Low engagement

Engagement is the degree of involvement, commitment, and enthusiasm that team members and stakeholders have for a project. Low engagement can affect the project's performance, quality, innovation, and satisfaction. Low engagement can be caused by poor communication, unclear roles and responsibilities, lack of trust or respect, or lack of recognition or rewards.

To increase engagement, you should:

  • Communicate the project's vision, goals, benefits, and expectations clearly and frequently.
  • Define and assign roles and responsibilities clearly and fairly.
  • Build trust and respect among team members and stakeholders by being honest, transparent, and supportive.
  • Recognize and reward team members and stakeholders for their contributions and achievements.
  • Involve team members and stakeholders in decision-making and problem-solving processes.

Who is responsible for poor project management?

Project management is a complex and challenging process that requires careful planning, coordination, communication, and execution. It involves multiple stakeholders, such as the project manager, the project sponsor, the project team, and the client. Each of these parties has a role and a responsibility in ensuring the success of the project.

However, sometimes things go wrong and the project does not meet its objectives, deadlines, or quality standards. In such cases, who is to blame for the poor project management? Is it the project manager who failed to lead and control the project effectively? Is it the project sponsor who did not provide enough support and guidance? Is it the project team who did not perform their tasks well or collaborate with each other? Or is it a combination of factors that contributed to the project’s failure?

There is no simple answer to this question, as different projects may have different causes and consequences of poor project management. However, some general principles can help us understand and avoid some of the common pitfalls that lead to project failure.

Project manager

The project manager is responsible for initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and closing the project. He or she is the main point of contact for the project sponsor, the project team, and the client. The project manager should have the skills and competencies to manage the scope, schedule, budget, quality, risk, communication, and stakeholder expectations of the project. The project manager should also be able to motivate and inspire the project team to work towards a common goal.

Project sponsor

The project sponsor is responsible for providing the vision, direction, and resources for the project. He or she is the senior-level executive who champions and supports the project within the organization. The project sponsor should ensure that the project aligns with the strategic goals and priorities of the organization. The project sponsor should also empower and enable the project manager to make decisions and resolve issues that may arise during the project.

Project team

The project team is responsible for delivering the work products and services that are required by the project. They are the experts and specialists who have the knowledge and skills to perform their assigned tasks. The project team should work together as a cohesive unit and communicate effectively with each other and with the project manager. The project team should also be proactive and accountable for their work quality and performance.

How does any of the above contribute to poor project management?

Poor project management can occur when any of these parties fails to fulfil their responsibilities or does not work well with others. For example:

  • The project manager may lack the experience or competence to manage a complex or large-scale project. He or she may not have a clear understanding of the project objectives, scope, or deliverables. He or she may not plan or execute the project properly or monitor its progress and status regularly. He or she may not communicate clearly or timely with the stakeholders or manage their expectations well. He or she may not identify or mitigate potential risks or issues that may affect the project outcome.
  • The project sponsor may not have a clear vision or direction for the project. He or she may not align the project with the organizational strategy or goals. He or she may not provide adequate resources or support for the project. He or she may not empower or enable the project manager to make decisions or resolve issues. He or she may not be involved or engaged in the project governance or oversight.
  • The project team may not have the required knowledge or skills to perform their tasks. They may not understand their roles or responsibilities in the project. They may not work well together as a team or collaborate effectively with other stakeholders. They may not communicate clearly or timely with each other or with the project manager. They may not deliver their work products or services on time, on budget, or on quality.

Therefore, poor project management is a shared responsibility that can be attributed to multiple factors and parties. It is important to recognize and acknowledge these factors and parties and learn from them to improve future projects. It is also important to foster a culture of trust, collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement among all stakeholders involved in a project.

What are the effects of poor project management?

Project management is the art of delivering a scope at a certain level of quality with a defined budget and during a determined schedule. However, not all projects are managed effectively, and some may even fail to meet their objectives.

Poor project management can have detrimental effects on the organization and its stakeholders. Therefore, it is essential for project managers to use best practices and tools to plan, execute, monitor, and control their projects effectively and efficiently. By doing so, they can ensure that their projects meet their objectives and deliver value to their customers.

Hereafter, we will explore some of the effects of poor project management and how to avoid them.

Cost overrun

One of the most common effects of poor project management is a cost overrun. This happens when the actual cost of the project exceeds the estimated budget, due to inaccurate estimations, lack of cost control, or unforeseen changes. Cost overrun can have serious consequences for the organization, such as reduced profitability, increased debt, or loss of competitive advantage. To prevent cost overrun, project managers should use systematic and thorough planning methods, such as Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), and Earned Value Management (EVM). They should also monitor and track the project costs regularly and take corrective actions when necessary.


Another effect of poor project management is schedule delay. This occurs when the project takes longer than planned to complete, due to poor planning, unrealistic deadlines, scope creep, or resource constraints. Schedule delays can affect project quality, customer satisfaction, and stakeholder expectations. It can also result in penalties, lost opportunities, or damage to reputation. To avoid schedule delays, project managers should use realistic and achievable schedules, based on historical data, risk analysis, and stakeholder input. They should also use tools such as Gantt charts, critical path method (CPM), and agile methodologies to manage the project schedule effectively and efficiently.

Quality issues

A third effect of poor project management is quality issues. These are defects or errors in the project deliverables that do not meet the quality standards or specifications. Quality issues can arise from poor communication, lack of quality control, inadequate testing, or insufficient skills. Quality issues can impact project performance, customer satisfaction, and stakeholder trust. They can also lead to rework, waste, or legal liabilities. To prevent quality issues, project managers should use quality management processes, such as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), Quality Assurance (QA), and Quality Control (QC). They should also involve the customers and stakeholders in defining and verifying the quality requirements and criteria.

Reputation damages

A fourth effect of poor project management is reputation damage. These are negative perceptions or opinions about the organization or the project team that result from poor project outcomes or experiences. Reputation damages can affect the organization's image, credibility, and market position. They can also reduce the chances of repeat business, referrals, or new opportunities. To avoid reputation damage, project managers should use effective communication strategies, such as stakeholder analysis, communication plans, and feedback mechanisms. They should also manage the expectations and perceptions of the customers and stakeholders by delivering what they promise and resolving any issues or complaints promptly and professionally.

Sustainability risk

A fifth effect of poor project management is sustainability risk. This is the potential harm or loss to the organization's long-term viability or survival that results from poor project decisions or practices. Sustainability risk can affect the organization's financial stability, environmental impact, social responsibility, or ethical conduct. It can also expose the organization to legal sanctions, regulatory penalties, or public backlash. To reduce sustainability risk, project managers should use sustainability management practices, such as triple bottom line (TBL), life cycle assessment (LCA), and corporate social responsibility (CSR). They should also consider the environmental, social, and economic impacts of their projects on the present and future generations.


In conclusion, poor project management is a serious issue that can affect the success and sustainability of any organization. Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of poor project management, identify who is responsible for it, and understand its effects. By doing so, we can take proactive steps to prevent or mitigate poor project management and improve our project performance and results.

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